Sometimes all you need is a Mojito. And that just became even easier thanks to Steinbok Mojito month and 4 easy to make Steinbok Mojitos. Steinbok Watermelon Mojito Ingredients 30ml Steinbok Watermelon […]
steinbok stories

Keystone Charity Golf Day
A beautiful day at Oatlands House. All money raised goes to the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Steinbok set up a tent at the 18th hole and provided a couple of different cocktails using Granny Smith Sour apple and Steinbok Peach Schnapps. Our tent proved to be a big hit as well as our schnapps donated for the charity auction after the event.
Please click here to see if you have been schnapped on the day. Also, click here to see Keystone’s website.
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Steinbok Mojito Madness
4 Flavoursome Steinbok Margaritas
Hola amigos! Get into the Mexican spirit in Steinbok Margarita month with these 4 flavoursome Steinbok Margaritas. Steinbok Traditional Margarita Ingredients -30ml Steinbok Triple Sec -30ml tequila -60ml Barmans chioce lime juiceĀ […]